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Click on the picture to see the entire program.
Click underlined links for portions of the show, when available.

What Works: Job Training

An intimate view of "best practices" in three cities helping residents of public housing enter full employment.  Funded by HUD, the video accompanies training materials for city officials and housing managers.

Ending Segment       4 minutes

Part One: The Hidden Sorrow Opening

Part Two: Case Studies (segment)

Part Three: Difficult Choices (segment)

Mixed-Income Housing

Produced for HUD, the video presents efforts in several communities to diversify public housing and provide greater opportunities for their residents.  The video is used with training materials in nationwide workshops for cities and agencies.

Full Segment         6 minutes


Elder Abuse and Neglect

Three part series designed to train hospital workers, law enforcement officials, and social workers on the signs of elder abuse in families, ways of dealing with the problem, and resourses available to families and agencies.

Part One provides an overview of the problem, including social workers and doctors who deal with abused elderly clients.

Part Two examines actual cases of abuse and neglect, including conversations with victims, abusers and treatment personnel.

Part Three looks at the complex and difficult decision of competency, and who should make the decision to remove an elderly person from their home when they are in danger.

Funded by the U.S. Department on Aging, and selected for national distribution by their awards committee.
